Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interviews and....Fire?

Sooo today was all right... Infact it was BO-RING. I was SO tired. We had a late-start the day before and I'm thinking that we should have a late-start EVERY Wednesday. Wouldn't that be great? Mhm. Anyway, I got an 82% on my science test! :) Isn't that awesome? ...Nuh-uh. Not at ALL. I'm supposed to get 90s and ABOVE. Yeah. Everyone thinks I'm that goody-to-shoes that always has to get perfect marks on pretty much everything, which I pretty much label as completely bizarre and CREEPY. I mean, I can't be perfect, no one is perfect.
Well, forget that. I had parent/teacher interviews and I guess I was decent enough. I mean, I didn't brag or anything. Some of my friends were stalking me for a few minutes though. Heh. Weirdos. Oops, I gotta sleep. -.- My Mum's freaking out. So bye for now.....Online journal! 

The girl who seemed unbreakable broke, the girl who always laughed cried, the girl who never stop trying finally gave up. She dropped a fake smile as a tear ran down her cheek and she whispered to herself “I can’t do this anymore”. I really can't

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