Monday, October 25, 2010

Fangtastic KARAOKE?

Ok so, on Thursday, and Friday last week, in the cafeterium there was a slideshow that told us all about what would happen this week, since it's HALLOWEEN WEEK!!! Halloween will be on the coming Sunday, and I still don't know what I'm going to be! I wanted to be a cat, but then.... there weren't any good cat ears at the "Party Packagers" store. :( Sooo, some angel wings and fairy wings caught my eye, and I'm thinking of buying those instead. They looked very magical and pretty. I REALLY want to go to CW(Canada's Wonderland) where their holding the Halloween Haunt. It's going to be HORRIFICALLY FANGTASTIC, and I am just DYING to go. But apparently my parents don't really approve of it... They said that I'm going to start freaking out at night again which I suppose isn't ENTIRELY un-true, but STILL! It was gunna be so awesome if I'd gone. It's being held EVERY OCTOBER WEEKEND'S , including Friday's !!!!!

Anyway! Today our school president and the other people are going to show us a slide or something about "How it's DONE" or... we might do Karaoke? I LOVE Karaoke-ing with my friends at home. But I'm pretty sure, that in the slide last week, they said the Kareoke would be tomorrow and then we would mummyfie our teachers of choice on Wednesday. The teachers are saying, tomorrow is a day called "The 90 for 90 Day".. LOL What are we gunna do? Well, we get our 90 minute classes to catch up and stuff. Won't that be fun... NOT


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