Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer School

Okay, wow! So it's been almost an entire year since I have updated my blog... I've been so caught up in life these past few months, time seems to fly by so fast! Nevertheless, I'm not free yet either... Although, it is summer. FOR SOME PEOPLE, we have to go suffer in the bottommost pit of hell that is SUMMER SCHOOL. Yes, I went there. I am being forced to take part in an English University course. 

It was my choice to begin with, but seeing as I applied late, I was unprepared for the call I received 2 weeks into my utopia of summer.  "Hi, may I speak to Pinky, please?" a nasally voice questioned. "Yes, Pinky speaking." "Oh, well Pinky. I was wondering if you were still interested in the English course you are initially partaking in next year? We have an available spot, and since you were next on the waiting list, we're giving you a chance to come and study with us!" So, there I was, un-prepared, with my mother looking at me wide-eyed, urging me to accept the offer. "Yes, I'm still interested in the offer. Thanks for the call!"

Therefore, here I am. Suffering. Can't say I'm in the best mood, but you know what they say. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Yes, well, I'm not going to bore you with the details. More of less, long story short, summer school isn't exactly what you'd call the epitome of fun. Period. 

Here's a little inspirational video that will definitely get your hopes up if you're feeling a bit down about school or even entirely life. It's a little something my teacher showed us during class today to lift our hopes, after she told us she'd only ever given three 90 percent marks in all her years of teacher (which is 14 to be exact). 

- off to NYC this weekend, going to have a blast with my cousins who I haven't seen in at least 3 years ^_^ wish me luck!~Signing off, Pinky.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fangtastic KARAOKE?

Ok so, on Thursday, and Friday last week, in the cafeterium there was a slideshow that told us all about what would happen this week, since it's HALLOWEEN WEEK!!! Halloween will be on the coming Sunday, and I still don't know what I'm going to be! I wanted to be a cat, but then.... there weren't any good cat ears at the "Party Packagers" store. :( Sooo, some angel wings and fairy wings caught my eye, and I'm thinking of buying those instead. They looked very magical and pretty. I REALLY want to go to CW(Canada's Wonderland) where their holding the Halloween Haunt. It's going to be HORRIFICALLY FANGTASTIC, and I am just DYING to go. But apparently my parents don't really approve of it... They said that I'm going to start freaking out at night again which I suppose isn't ENTIRELY un-true, but STILL! It was gunna be so awesome if I'd gone. It's being held EVERY OCTOBER WEEKEND'S , including Friday's !!!!!

Anyway! Today our school president and the other people are going to show us a slide or something about "How it's DONE" or... we might do Karaoke? I LOVE Karaoke-ing with my friends at home. But I'm pretty sure, that in the slide last week, they said the Kareoke would be tomorrow and then we would mummyfie our teachers of choice on Wednesday. The teachers are saying, tomorrow is a day called "The 90 for 90 Day".. LOL What are we gunna do? Well, we get our 90 minute classes to catch up and stuff. Won't that be fun... NOT


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Interviews and....Fire?

Sooo today was all right... Infact it was BO-RING. I was SO tired. We had a late-start the day before and I'm thinking that we should have a late-start EVERY Wednesday. Wouldn't that be great? Mhm. Anyway, I got an 82% on my science test! :) Isn't that awesome? ...Nuh-uh. Not at ALL. I'm supposed to get 90s and ABOVE. Yeah. Everyone thinks I'm that goody-to-shoes that always has to get perfect marks on pretty much everything, which I pretty much label as completely bizarre and CREEPY. I mean, I can't be perfect, no one is perfect.
Well, forget that. I had parent/teacher interviews and I guess I was decent enough. I mean, I didn't brag or anything. Some of my friends were stalking me for a few minutes though. Heh. Weirdos. Oops, I gotta sleep. -.- My Mum's freaking out. So bye for now.....Online journal! 

The girl who seemed unbreakable broke, the girl who always laughed cried, the girl who never stop trying finally gave up. She dropped a fake smile as a tear ran down her cheek and she whispered to herself “I can’t do this anymore”. I really can't

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Movie DAY!

Sooo, today in computer class we're going to watch a movie since we've finished our PowerPoint project. It's called the "Dragon's Den". I think I've heard of it before...

I love blogging! It's like an online diary! :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Terry Fox & Jesse McCartney !

I don't wanna another pretty face. I don't want just anyone to hold. I don't want my love to go to waste. I want you and your beautiful soul.

~ Jesse McCartney

BTW ITS TERRY FOX DAY!! :O we gotta run a lot! Like, I think 5 or 1.5 KM !! omg omg omg....
We have to walk or run.... =D I sure wana run... and then walk !! HEEHEEHEE
Wish me luck!

My Birthday

Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY !! I made tons of videos but... I didn't make any yesterday :'(

I hope I remember it well. I'm having a birthday party soon but what kills me is that I can't go back in time to my FOURTEENTH birthday again.

"Every little thing" is on right now !! :)
"Every little thing, is gunna be alright!"

I sure hope it is ! :O

Friday, September 24, 2010

I shall Blog Now To Every Forthcoming Day ! =) LOLWUT.

Me loves bloggugzing. Heeheehee. Haahaahaa. YAYNESS!!

A BRAND NEW UNIT ! 8D I wonder what it's gunna be about................ POWER POINT. Wewt ! As in slide shows, right? Riiiiiiiight !! I hope I'm doing good in class..... ^___^ Me and my daddy came to meet Mr.H but he wasn't here !! Sad, no? And neither were any of my other teachers. I'm so sad.