Yesterday was awesome, and I never got to blog about it though... So I'm gunna do it TODAY! : )
So me and my friend were in the same group in our class for a while but then we were seperated because ... Well, because the teacher said we needed new groups. Anyway, we got into our groups and the teacher gave us some work to do. I completed with time to spare, so I decided that I could read the book that my friend lend me. It's named "The Secret Circle and The Initiation". Cool, right? It's terrific. The books' got pretty much everything and I'm addicted. My sister was saying it was like "Twilight" ALL over again. LOL. Soo, I was reading it and there's this forbidden love thing going on. A girl named Cassie has made friends with this gorgeous girl named Diana and they both absoultely love eachother(like SISTERS! Awee!) and both don't have siblings although they wish they had sisters of their own. So Diana says she could be the big sister, like an "adopted sister". And Cassie is in complete bliss and happiness. She agrees and they both become inseperable. :) So cute. BFFS heehee. Cassie saw this guy in the place she lived before she came to stay here with her Grandmother, but she didn't know his name. She felt as though they connected AND he kissed her hand!! HER HAND! Needless to say, she fell deep in love. Diana says her boyfriend is gone for a while...visiting some people. She talks about him a lot and says that Cassie would like him... His name is Adam. When he comes back Cassies' heart pops out of her chest, because he's the guy she SAW !!! Oh ehm GEE !! Love triangle! I wonder whats gunna happen....
OKKKKK, I'm writing WAAAY too much. LOLWUTTHEHECK.
Nexttttt, so I went into shock when Cassie told Adam she "LOVED HIM". And then HE told her that he "LOVED HER" too!! AHHH!
Yeaso, don't forget that I'm reading all this in CLASS. I'm absolutely FREAKING OUT. Aaaaaand then I look at Lina and I lip synced, "Adam said he LOVES CASSIE!!!!!!" (I wasn't really speaking since she was so far away from me AND because of the fact that NO ONE was talking. She started going CRAZY. I could see her whispering "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG OH MY GOLLY GEE." Heeheehee. So after class she comes up to me and says........
(keep in mind, that we have a friend named Adam)
[btw, I JUST found out that he checks up on us, every next class sooo he was there and we DID NOT KNOW.] -posted Sept. 26 :)
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