Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer School

Okay, wow! So it's been almost an entire year since I have updated my blog... I've been so caught up in life these past few months, time seems to fly by so fast! Nevertheless, I'm not free yet either... Although, it is summer. FOR SOME PEOPLE, we have to go suffer in the bottommost pit of hell that is SUMMER SCHOOL. Yes, I went there. I am being forced to take part in an English University course. 

It was my choice to begin with, but seeing as I applied late, I was unprepared for the call I received 2 weeks into my utopia of summer.  "Hi, may I speak to Pinky, please?" a nasally voice questioned. "Yes, Pinky speaking." "Oh, well Pinky. I was wondering if you were still interested in the English course you are initially partaking in next year? We have an available spot, and since you were next on the waiting list, we're giving you a chance to come and study with us!" So, there I was, un-prepared, with my mother looking at me wide-eyed, urging me to accept the offer. "Yes, I'm still interested in the offer. Thanks for the call!"

Therefore, here I am. Suffering. Can't say I'm in the best mood, but you know what they say. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Yes, well, I'm not going to bore you with the details. More of less, long story short, summer school isn't exactly what you'd call the epitome of fun. Period. 

Here's a little inspirational video that will definitely get your hopes up if you're feeling a bit down about school or even entirely life. It's a little something my teacher showed us during class today to lift our hopes, after she told us she'd only ever given three 90 percent marks in all her years of teacher (which is 14 to be exact). 

- off to NYC this weekend, going to have a blast with my cousins who I haven't seen in at least 3 years ^_^ wish me luck!~Signing off, Pinky.